Molecular Metabolism
The "Molecular Metabolism" is an international PhD training program for excellent students in molecular biosciences.
Biomolecular Structures and Interactions (BIOMOLSTRUCT)
"CATalytic mechanisms and AppLications of OXidoreductases" (CATALOX)
CATALOX connects the mechanistic understanding of redox enzymes on a molecular level with research on their synthetic application.
Integrative Structural Biology and Biophysics (ISB) Initiative
The initiative "Integrative Structural Biology and Biophysics" is a platform for the interconnection between structural biologists and anyone interested in structural biology in Graz.
Special research area "Lipid Hydrolysis"
Lipid hydrolases are essential fat-cleaving enzymes in all living things, whereby their dysfunction leads to widespread diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver and cancer, which are major challenges for the healthcare system.